Are you interested in joining the Club? Want to be a part of a friendly woodturning environment where the sharing of knowledge and experience is at the cornerstone of our core values?
The below outlines the process for new members to join the club:
Step 1: Come to a Meeting
If you are interested in the club, we encourage you to attend one of our meeting nights. These are held on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month at our clubrooms within the Mont De Lancey Homestead grounds.
Commencing at 7pm, each meeting commences with an overview of club matters, then a member show and tell of any work they have completed and then into a club demonstration for the evening. Typically these meetings will conclude around 9pm.
Mont De Lancey – Our Home
Our Clubrooms are located at Mont Delancey Historic Homestead which is located in Wandin North (Victoria):
71 Wellington Road
Wandin North Vic 3139
Phone: (03) 5964 2088
Further information about the Homestead can be found at:
Step 2: Complete the Taster Course
All perspective members must (at a minimum) complete the Spindle Taster Course. You may also complete the Bowl Turning Taster Course, however this is not mandatory.
Along with basic woodturning instruction, it covers all aspects of safety whilst woodturning and allow club members to become proficient in using Club equipment.
In addition to the Spindle Taster Course, new members will be required to complete the Bandsaw Safety Course (free to all members) which covers all of the safety aspects and operating procedures when using the Club’s bandsaw.
More information on the Taster Courses we have available can be found at the “Taster Courses” page linked above or click the button below to go straight to the page.
Step 3: Become a Member of the Club
Once a perspective member has completed the Spindle Taster Course, on attending the next Club meeting, you will be required to complete the membership paperwork for the club and pay your joining fee (as outlined below).
Once you become a financial member of the club you will gain access to the club rooms at any time (during Mont De Lancey Opening Times) and will be able to use any of the Club equipment. Membership also includes membership of the Mont De Lancey Historical Home and Museum.
New Members
Joining Fee – $35.00 + Annual Fee – $60.00
$95 Total Joining Fee
Current Members
Annual Fee – $60.00
$60 Ongoing Annual Fee
If you would like more information on joining the Club, or if you have any questions in relation to the joining process, please contact the Club’s President on 0482 014 677 or you can email the Club’s Secretary at: