EWT Attends Guilio’s Workshop – From Ray Prudden & Chris Newell

The Club recently had the pleasure of attending a woodturning workshop with renowned turner Guilio Marcolongo. Everyone who attended had a great day and learnt a lot. Ray Pruden and Chris Newell has shared their experience at the workshop below:  Ray Prudden – “The day started as ten eager participants gathered to meet Guilio. His […]

Club Night Demonstration – 19 May 2021

Undercutting Rims and Bowls – Ray Pruden – Ray Pruden demonstrated his method of undercutting rims and bowls to members and how to use various tools to complete this task. This was a very interesting demonstration using a unique set of tools to create some impressive bowls. 

Club Night Demonstration – 05 May 2021

Safety “Back to Basics” – Charlie Chamberlain – Charlie Chamberlain went through with the Club the Safety “Back to Basics” booklet. This provided all in attendance a great re-hash of the basic safety techniques required when turning.

Demonstration Day with Guilio Marcolongo

The Club was very fortunate to have guest turner Guilio Marcolongo visit the club and conduct a demonstration day. Guilio turned three pieces on the day which were used as raffle prizes once the day had concluded. A very enjoyable day was had by all and everyone learnt something new. A big thank you to […]

Club Night Demonstration – 07 April 2021

Spiral Turning – Jack Airey – Jack Airey presented to the club his method of Spiral Turning using a new tool that he was given. Jack provided in-depth instruction on how to complete this style of turning. The result was quite interesting and everyone was very interested in this technique.